Monday, June 14, 2010

Headed to Vegas

For the last few months, I've been actively looking for opportunities to be Jesus to people that are hurting. So far I've gotten a couple and got another one today. Betsy and I were driving home from a pretty intense training conference on inner healing. It was amazing, but left both of us pretty spent. When I stopped to get gas, Betsy noticed a guy eyeballing us...he kind of drove up next to us and was staring at us. He was in his mid 40's with glasses. His car had the rear driver-side window broken and was fixed poorly. After I noticed him looking at me I walked over to him and he asked me, "Sorry to bother you, but can you pump my gas for me? I can't do it". I was a bit confused (because I wasn't really paying attention) but agreed. He had a ton of difficulty getting his car positioned correctly so that he was close enough for me to pump for him. Then I noticed that his left hand was lying limply in his lap. He had no use of it at all. My heart immediately went out to him. Even though I talk about it all the time, I wasn't thinking about praying for healing right then...I found myself on the brink of tears for this guy though. Here he was, handing 40 bucks to a guy who hasn't shaved in a week so that I could pre-pay for his gas. Totally vulnerable. Dependent on strangers. I pumped his gas, bought him a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes. He asked me to unwrap the cigarettes and open the bottle of water because he couldn't do it with only one hand. I had to take his wallet from him and put his change back into it. He told me to get myself something and I told him, "Sir, I love Jesus and I'm always looking to share his love with others. Just consider my kindness as a way of Jesus loving on you." He said ok, and I finished up helping him out. Before he left I asked his name. "It's Mike". I said, "where you headed Mike?" and he said, "I'm going to Vegas." I asked him if I could pray for him before he headed out. There was a long pause...probably only 10 seconds or so, but it seemed a lot longer, but eventually he said, "Why not. Can't hurt." I prayed a blessing over Mike ( less then 10 seconds) and went to leave. As he was driving away, Mike said, "Thanks, this has been a really hard trip for me and that was the nicest thing anyone's done for me in a long time." I got back in my car and we both drove away. Total interaction time around 7 minutes.

I left and, I should have prayed for his healing...I could have offered him more, I could have, I should have, I didn't...blah blah blah. This is where we can get into trouble sometimes. Just listen and obey. If I was God, I would have healed Mike's hand, converted him, helped him quit smoking, talked him out of going on to Vegas and helped him plug into a church all before I left the gas station. Our heavenly Father knows more about our needs then we ever could. Mike just needed a little encouragement and a reminder that Jesus loves him. ALL of us can do that.

"Father, would you give each one of us an opportunity to show your love to someone who doesn't know you this week. Guide our thoughts and words so that we can make you famous with the people you bring into our lives."

Go for it people.