Monday, March 1, 2010

Come Quickly Jesus

Yesterday we had news that there was another massive earthquake in Chile...weeks after the earthquake that hit in Haiti, devastating the infrastructure there and throwing that already poverty stricken country into chaos. This one in Chile one was WAY more powerful than the one in Haiti. It was felt 2000 miles away in Brazil and is projected to throw a huge Sunami at Hawaii. We are the richest most powerful country in the world and we still haven't recovered from Hurricane Katrina, and that happened almost 5 years ago. I can't imagine the fallout for these other countries.

Destruction, death, families torn apart, homes destroyed. That's not even taking into consideration the increase in crime and chaos that these regions are going to be dealing with for possibly decades to come...

These are just the natural disasters. Anyone that looks for even 5 minutes can see massive social economic problems all around us. Look at our country alone. We're at the very top of the pecking order on the world scale. Here's some of our problems...Health care is in shambles, conservative #'s put orphaned children in the US between 2 and 3 million, 12% of our population lives below the poverty line (2004 #'s. recent recession has increased these). Current unemployment is over 10%.

Throw on top of that complete injustice...1 in 5 (conservative) girls in the US being sexually abused growing up, #1 financier of sex trafficking, #1 producer and consumer of pornography...I think you get the idea here.

The bottom line is that we are in a war. In a war, you help where you can, you fight where you're put...but what you do more than anything else, what you desperately cry out for is the END TO THE WAR.

The cry of my heart when I hear about more earthquakes, staggering statistics detailing worldwide injustice, or social economic collapse is, "Please Abba, come quickly! We need you to come and set things right! Come quickly!!"

We can't answer the "why?" question behind any of this things...No more than a soldier can answer that question in the midst of that battle. What we DO know, is that our heavenly Father Loves us dearly, and he hates our suffering. He hates injustice. He's going to return to set it all right. He is coming.

Come quickly Jesus!!

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